Sunday 5 July 2009

Peter Cried Wolf

On Saturday my 4 year old was spectacularly sick in the car. I think it was something he ate that didn’t agree with his tummy or perhaps because he inhaled his food, didn’t chew and ate really fast.
He was not sick again during the weekend and spent Sunday on the sofa watching Grand Prix racing and having cake. Corbu even managed to help his sister eat hers, meaning he ate most of it!!
Monday morning arrives and it’s time for school.

Corbu sneaks into our room and says he needs to stay home as he has tummy ache. I know he was sick on Saturday but he has been fine since and I know that he has been downstairs since half six watching TV. I think he is pulling a fast one and just wants to stay home watch TV and get fussed over.
I would have sent him to school but Daddy says that he is a bit warm and to let him stay at home. So we do, we tell him poorly boys don’t just watch TV and if his tummy hurts he should rest and do quite things like read a book.

That is not how the day played out.
There has been running about upstairs, playing ball, playing pirate and cars, annoying his sister,bouncing on the bed. So if he is poorly, I’m a supermodel!!
Peter cried wolf or should I say Corbu cried wolf.
He is going to school tommorow!!


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