Sunday 19 July 2009

Sports Day

As Corbu 's first year at school came to a end, sport day loomed in the wings. I say loomed because my son is competitive, a perfectionist and is rather hard on himself if he doesn't win or do very well.

I was worried that the day would be fraught with tears and disappointment. As Corbu stood at the starting line for his first race, I crossed my fingers that he would do well and that it would just end in smiles. It was just a straight forward running race, easy...... he came in near the back of the pack.

Corbu smiled and gave the friends who had won a pat on the back and happily jumped back to his chair, ready to wait for his his next race. I was so shocked and ever so proud. He did win one race that day but for me I am most proud of the way he beahaved that day. Corbu had fun and smiled all the way thorough, it made my heart swell and I grinned like the silly proud mum I was.

The Quoit Race

This is the race corbu came first in, and look no hands, a clear winner and no cheating!!

The Sack Race

At least he actually jumped in his sack. Last year he ran in it.

The Running Race


Happy after a nice sports day. I can hardly believe he has finished Reception and will be on Year 1 in September. Where does the time go??


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